How to Get Rid of Hiccups

Hiccups is something everyone knows about and has probably experienced either as an infant or as an older adult. Whereas hiccups are known to usually resolve on their own, they can also occasionally persist in an annoying manner often interfering with talking and eating. Many persons have preferred approaches to getting rid of hiccups. While some of these methods may have worked for them sometimes, it may have also failed some other times. So, how can we really get rid of hiccups? Read on to find out.
What Causes Hiccups?
The term hiccup is medically referred to as synchronous diaphragmatic flutter (SDF) or singultus. There is a muscle that separates the thorax from the abdomen of the human body known as the diaphragm. From the physiological perspective, a hiccup occurs when there is an involuntary contraction of the diaphragm happening at the same time with the contraction of the voice box and the closure of the vocal folds. All these sum up to a blocking of air flow.
How to Get Rid of hiccups
The measures listed below can help greatly especially if the hiccups is just momentary. Any hiccups that last for more than 48 hours however, is chronic and requires seeing a doctor for identification and treatment of any possible underlying condition.
a. What to Drink
- Sip cold water very slowly. Stand up, bend over, and place your mouth on the other side of the glass. As you bend, tilt the glass away from the body and drink.
- Drink a glass of warm water very slowly and completely without breathing.
- Wash your throat by holding ice water in your mouth, keeping your head back, and breathing out slowly through the mouth.
b. What to Eat
- Put some sugar granules on your tongue then swallow it upon melting.
- Put some drops of vinegar in your mouth.
- Place a thin slice of lemon lace on your tongue and suck it like a sweet.
c. How to Breathe
- Breathe in and hold the breath for about 10-15 seconds, then breathe out slowly. Do this severally at about 10-minutes interval.
- Bring your knees closer to your chest and try hugging them for 2-3 minutes.
- Lean forward which will help you compress the chest.
d. Where to Apply Pressure
- Press on the diaphragm gently.
- Hold the tip of the tongue in between your fingers and pull it forward. This will stimulate the vagus nerve and ease diaphragm spasms, which may in turn help to stop the hiccups.
- Press gently on both sides of the nose while swallowing.
Preventing hiccups
By changing some lifestyle habits, some common cases of hiccups that are occasioned by certain lifestyle factors may be prevented and averted. Some of the tips to preventing hiccups are as follows: eating slower and in smaller amounts per intake of food, avoiding spicy foods, reducing alcohol intake, avoiding carbonated drinks and practicing relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing or meditation to reduce stress.
Majority of the times, hiccups come and go naturally. For many persons, they prefer not even to worry about it when it comes and that it probably resolves even more quickly. Whichever way, some of the tips provided above can be of great help in handling hiccups. It is important to note however, that if a hiccup persists after 48 hours, there may be an underlying condition and seeing a doctor will be of greater help.